Simplify Contract Management with Bitregalo's Smart Contract as a Service (SCaaS)

Bitregalo's SCaaS platform simplifies smart contracts for users without technical expertise. Our user-friendly interfaces and pre-configured contracts seamlessly integrate smart contract functionality into your daily operations.

1# UserAuth-F1

2# Tender-F1

3# Escrow-F1


User Authontication

  • Establish secure and verifiable user identities on the Bitregalo platform.
  • Enable selective information sharing, empowering users to control their privacy.
  • Utilize smart contracts to restrict interactions based on verification levels, enhancing security and trust.
  • Automate the evaluation and award process, reducing the risk of errors and disputes.


RFP Requist For Proposal

  • Streamline the RFP (Request for Proposal) process with smart contract-based tenders.
  • Specify project requirements, timelines, and budget directly on the platform.
  • Ensure secure and transparent bidding with only verified entities participating.
  • Automate the evaluation and award process, reducing the risk of errors and disputes.


Escrow Smart contract

  • Eliminate the need for intermediaries with Bitregalo's secure escrow smart contracts.
  • Hold assets securely until predetermined conditions are met, ensuring fairness and transparency.
  • Automate disbursements based on predefined conditions, reducing manual effort and potential errors.
  • Maximize security with immutable transaction records and protection against unauthorized access.

Seamless Integration between RFPs and Escrow

Bitregalo's platform seamlessly integrates RFP (Request for Proposal) and escrow services. This automated process enhances security, efficiency, and trust in transactions..

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